Thursday, May 17, 2012

Concept Map Ideas (Rough Draft)

Hey Stephanie! We can post our ideas for the concept map here.


  1. Here are some ideas I came up with, but I'm kind of confused with our topic being "local history."

    I started thinking about a main project for our category (local history). I feel like it would be easier if we had that idea in mind before we created our concept map. What I was thinking for our main project to have the students create a museum exhibit in the classroom about the local history of Kalamazoo. The students will research people and places around Kalamazoo and display their findings. Here are some ideas:

    - Family History
    - Influential people of Kalamazoo
    - History of the township they live in.
    - History of our school.
    - Historical Events
    - History of festivals

    These are just some of my ideas I was thinking about. Let me know what you think or if you thought of something different.

  2. So I was thinking about it... I'm wondering if all my subcategories are too broad. I REALLY like the idea of studying discovering their family history.

    Main Idea: Discovering Family History
    - Creating a family tree
    - Interviewing a family member
    - Creating a family photo album explaining their families history.
    - Heritage dolls (Students color and decorate a paper doll of their families heritage- Ex. How they dress, hair color, color of skin).

    Let me know what you think about this. I'm really confused about this because I don't know if I'm being too broad... I'm going to send Professor Peterson an email asking her if I'm on the right track.

  3. All of those ideas sound wonderful! I love the idea of bringing the significance of local history to life! I will try to brainstorm more ideas that we could add to this. I don't think the ideas are too broad at all! I will ponder on this for a couple days and let you know what I would like to add before creating the concept map. Great job!!! :)

  4. Here is the email that Professor Peterson sent in reply to my email:
    "This is a good start. What is your big project going to be? Remember, it has to be something that will be presented to an audience more than just your classroom and something that brings everything the students have done throughout the "unit" (project) together for the whole class to present."
