Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Lesson Plan and Website Evaluations

Hey Stephanie! We can discuss the websites that we find for the web evaluation assignment for this week in this post. We need to make sure that we don't have any of the same websites and that our lesson plans are different. I am planning on doing a lesson on the heritage dolls. I will let you know when I find any websites! Thanks!


  1. You may do the heritage doll lesson plan! I am not quite sure which lesson I want to do yet, but I will let you know as soon as I decide. I haven't started looking up websites yet because I've been super busy, however, I will keep you updated on what I find as well.

  2. Okay great! Yeah I haven't had a chance to look up any website either but I will work on them tomorrow! Thanks!

  3. Hey Stephanie! I found these two sites so far that I will be evaluating:

    - http://www.genealogyspot.com/features/kids.htm

    - http://www.americaslibrary.gov/jb/index.php

    I'll post the third one when I find one.

  4. This is the third website I'm going to evaluate:


  5. Thanks for letting me know. I will be sure to evaluate three other sites.

  6. I am working on our assignments that are due by 11:59 tonight, right now. Let me know if you need help with anything. I will be working on these assignments all throughout the day today. Feel free to text. Hope you had a great weekend!
