Thursday, June 21, 2012

Website Checklist

Here is a website checklist that we can use to make sure we fulfill all the necessary requirements.
[ ] = Still in progress
[X] = Completed

[X] - Must include standards that the website meets on a page linked from the "home" page.
[X] - Must include links to Michigan GLCEs and ISTE: National Educaitonal Technology Standards  for Students: The Next Generation
[X] - Must use one of the template from Google Sites
[X] - Each webpage must contain and image and must be cited properly
[X] - Navigation bar must be organized in the order you want it viewed.
[X] - Use common design throughout the whole website (font, text, etc.)
[X] - WMU logo must be on the bottom of the homepage and link to
[X] - Page including what our team has been working towards or what the semester has been leading to.
[X] - Each team member must have at least two pages.
[X] - Each page needs to contain two new items of information not given throughout the semester (Examples: ideas, lesson plans, etc. for your topic)
[X] - Each group member must create one original item. (Chad - Digital Story, Stephanie - Lesson Plan).
[X] - Each page must contain the name of the person who created it and their email (email must be hyperlinked).
[X] - Opening page must have a description of the information that can be found on the website.
[X] - Each lesson plan must be linked appropriately within the website.
[X] - Each digital story must be linked appropriately within the website.
[X] - Virutal PenPals and Google Maps must be attached with a description.
[X] - Collaborative Podcast must be attached at the bottom or linked.
[X] - Final concept map must be placed in an appropriate place on the website.
[X] - Collaborative blog must be linked somewhere in the website with a brief description.
[X] - All websites used in the website evaluation assignment must be placed within the website with a brief description of what the website is.
[X] - Each team member must find an additional 3 websites (Ex. teaching resources, lesson plans, etc.)


  1. I will be working on my final lesson plan, last reflection, and our website throughout the weekend. I will text you with updates of my progress!

  2. Sounds great! I will be working on the digital story, concept map, and the website today. Let me know if you have any questions!
